Never solve the same problem twice.
We believe time spent solving the same problem twice is time wasted. That is why we created our Spotlight Playbook to document our learnings from years of experience investing in, operating, and optimizing software and technology-enabled services companies. Through our Spotlight Playbook, we have codified repeatable best practices for these types of businesses. Since we believe software is a business model, and not an industry, our cumulative learnings from solving problems and optimizing functional areas in all of our portfolio companies are highly relevant and transferable to our next portfolio company.
Spotlight’s Managing Partners and Operating Partners, through their active involvement with each portfolio company, help management teams rapidly implement the Spotlight Playbook to begin immediately and predictably building value after closing. As we work with each new portfolio company, we are continually learning, improving, and adopting new best practices. Consequently, our Spotlight Playbook is continually improving, enabling it to provide ongoing value to each of our portfolio companies.
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